
更新时间:2024-04-11 点赞:8582 浏览:25942 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

Nowadays pirates are cool, and I’m not talking about people who download music and movies illegally. I’m talking about buccaneers1): swashbuckling2), rum drinking, peg-legged3), eye-patched4) pirates. Not only can the Jolly Roger5) be seen in dorm rooms across the country, but skull and crossbones6) motifs are popping up in the unlikeliest of places such as on bibs7) for babies or backpacks for little girls. Even the Disney Corporation sensed that there was money to be made in this trend, coming out with their Pirates of the Caribbean movies. What’s behind this surge of pirate cool? Just another wacky bandwagon8) fad that will fade as quickly as it erupted or is it a reflection of something deeper?
Piracy and pirates he existed since ancient times and he been active all over the world. Even today the UN is doing battle with missile armed pirates off the coast of Somalia. However, for all intents and purposes9), the pirates and pirate culture that I refer to in this article are based around the historical Caribbean pirates of the 17th and 18th centuries and the modern day revivalists10) who also use this era’s Caribbean or sometimes more exotically, South Seas, aesthetic. That means Black Beard11) and Captain Jack Sparrow12), not ancient Phoenicians13) and modern day Somalis.
Lots of different things come to mind when one thinks of pirates: drunkenness, eye patches, wooden legs, walking the plank14), brutality, beards, parrots, violence, whoreing and more drunkenness. For some, that’s the appeal, being rowdy, yelling and using a veritable treasure trove15) of colorful dialogue. But perhaps there is also a deeper meaning to the appeal of pirate culture today.
Pirates were free men and women who lived lives of autonomy and adventure, directing their ships where they wished, staying in idyllic islands for however long they wanted and taking what they needed to survive. In today’s modern world full of rules and regulations, boundaries, borders and patrols16), such a lifestyle speaks powerfully to17) our own inner human needs for independence and freedom from the powers that oppress us and make us work 9~5 in a gray cubicle so we can pay off the mortgage.
During the Golden Age of piracy between 1650 to 1725, rules that regulated the life of ordinary people were very strict. But there was a wayout of a peasant’s life of starvation, brutalization and misery for the benefit of unimaginably wealthy elites and that was the freedom and self-fulfillment of piracy. Like the many European settlers who escaped the brutal oppression of their colonial government in the New World and the near slery of indentured18) servitude by running away to live with Native Americans, most of the men who became pirates escaped from the unimaginably cruel conditions of the Royal Ny and the merchant marine as well as slery on sugar plantations19) in the Caribbean.


Contrary to many of the popular images we he of pirates as brutal, vicious fiends without honor, joining a pirate crew was more like a liberation for the erage sailor. Conditions in the Ny and merchant marine were brutal and strict. Regular sailors shared in none of the profits that they made for the ship’s wealthy land-based owner while taking all the risks for miserable pay and even worse treatment. The power structure on these ships was strictly hierarchical20) and regular sailors had no input whatsoever in any decisions that their captain made. Discipline was harsh and intolerance for difference, whether religion, skin color, gender or sexual orientation, abounded. As Dr. Johnson21) famously observed: “No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in jail with the chance of being drowned ... A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company.” It is no wonder then that many pirate crews were easily recruited and joined their “attackers” as soon as their officers were no longer in a position of power over them.
Pirate ships were veritable utopias on the sea. Democratically and horizontally organized, each crewman had a say in what he or she would be participating in and all shared in the risks and gains. Each crew operated under a written pact that was agreed on and signed by all crewmen. These pacts commonly made provisions for crewmen who were injured in raids in the form of compensation. Pirate crews were also highly diverse and included people of various skin colors as well as women. There was no glass ceiling22): anyone could be captain if they proved themselves worthy. These people were proletarian rebels, dropouts from an unjust and unequal society. They acted in an autonomous and egalitarian23) fashion, despite the dangers and constant persecution. They set up “pirate utopias” on uninhabited and remote islands which were like free autonomous zones organized with an anarchist24) political structure.
Contrary to popular notions, pirates were not just rough, brutal men interested only in rum and women. The Caribbean islands at the time were a teeming mass of outcasts, political deportees25) and so-called religious extremists—literally anyone who dared to challenge the state, the monarchy and capitalist exploitation. There were deported Irishmen, Scottish Royalists, religious dissenters, exiled conspirators of various uprisings and plots against the King as well as the defeated anarchist revolutionaries of the English Civil War of the 1640s, and many others who fled persecution and joined revolutionary pirate crews. This revolutionary consciousness can be seen in the words of one pirate Captain Bellamy who spoke these words to the captain of a merchant vessel his crew had just seized and who had refused to join them: “They vilify26) us, the scoundrels27) do, when there is only this difference. They rob the poor under the cover of law, and we plunder the rich under the protection of our own courage; had you not better make one of us, than sneak after the arses of those villains for employment?”


These pirates were so succesul that their very existence threatened the mighty and fast-growing empires of Europe that were scrambling28) over each other to gain wealth and territory in the New World. Not only did they present an alternative lifestyle based on equality, freedom and solidarity, but their brazen attacks on shipping in the lucrative waters of the Caribbean deprived these growing empires of both manpower and material goods. Clearly, something had to be done.
It is ironic that the early stages of piracy were both encouraged and often state-sanctioned as in times of war between rivals England and Spain. Queen Elizabeth found it convenient to allow sea adventurers to attack Spanish ships while telling Spain that it was out of her hands since the men was clearly pirates. This setup, however, was not the free, autonomous piracy and so the crewmen on these privateer29) ships suffered the same depration and exploitation as the men in the ny.
Once piracy had exhausted its “legitimate” uses for the state, a campaign to eradicate piracy once and for all30) was put into place that can be credited with many of our current ideas about the viciousness and brutality of pirates. It was a vast propaganda campaign meant to destroy any opposition to the power of the state. They were slandered31) as riotous, blood thirsty, sodomists, and vicious men while the penalty for piracy was death. The famous Captain Kidd32) was hanged and then his body, covered in tar to preserve it, was placed in a gibbet, a sort of iron cage and hung at Tilbury Point as a reminder to all seamen of the risks of escaping from wage slery. And thus, piracy declined due to the steady retaliation33) of the major European powers that were tightening their political and economic grip on parts of the world that had previously been on the very fringes of civilization.
Pirate culture of today that emulates these free revolutionaries might be seen as an outcome and, ultimately, a rejection, of the devastation that the last 500 years of imperiali and capitalist exploitation has wrought not just on our environment or in the so-called “Third World” but on our very psyches. Why do we no longer he the choice to live free like the pirates of yesteryear? What I find heartening about this pirate fad is that more and more people are seeing that there is more to life than ceaseless accumulation of material goods and that freedom is something people really need and want. Only time will tell where pirate culture goes from here.


1.buccaneer [ˌbʌkəˈniə] n. 海盗
2.swashbuckling [ˈswɔʃˌbʌkliŋ] adj. 神气活现的,虚张声势的



5.Jolly Roger:海盗旗(饰有白色骷髅的黑旗)

6.skull and crossbones:骷髅头和交叉腿骨的图案,该图案以前多出现在海盗旗上用作海盗的标志,现今还用来表示危险或死亡的警告。

7.bib [bɪb] n. (小儿用的)围嘴

8.bandwagon [ˈbændˌwæɡən] n. (尤指政治上或商业上的)时尚,浪潮,声势浩大的活动
9.for all intents and purposes:(=in every practical sense)以来说
10.revivalist [riˈvaivəlist] n. 信仰复兴运动者
11.Black Beard:黑胡子海盗,真名爱德华·蒂奇(Edward Teach, 1680~1718),出生于英国布里斯托尔,是18世纪横行海地区最臭名昭彰的海盗。动漫《海贼王》(One Piece)中亦有此角色。
12.Jack Sparrow:杰克·斯帕罗,电影《海盗》(Pirates of the Caribbean)系列中“黑珍珠号”(The Black Pearl)的船长,人称杰克·斯帕罗船长。

4.walk the plank:走跳板,旧时海盗处死俘虏的办法

15.treasure trove:(被但不知属于谁的)大量钱财(或财富);埋在地下的无主金银财宝
16.patrol [pəˈtrəʊl] n. 巡逻,巡视

7.speak to:对……有吸引力

18.indentured [ɪnˈdentʃə(r)d] adj. 受契约束缚的
19.plantation [plɑːnˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n. 种植园
20.hierarchical [ˌhaɪəˈrɑː(r)kɪk(ə)l] adj. 分等级的
21.Dr. Johnson:约翰逊博士(Samuel Johnson, 1709~1784),英国作家,批评家
22.glass ceiling:玻璃天花板(指视若无形而实际有着的妇女、少数族裔在职业岗位上升迁的局限)
23.egalitarian [ɪˌɡælɪˈteəriən] adj. 平等主义的


25.deportee [ˌdiːpɔː(r)ˈtiː] n. 被放逐者
26.vilify [ˈvɪlɪfaɪ] vt. 诽谤,辱骂
27.scoundrel [ˈskaʊndrəl] n. 无赖,恶棍
28.scramble [ˈskræmb(ə)l] vi. 争夺,抢夺
29.privateer [ˈpraɪvətɪə] n. 私掠船
30.once and for all:断然地,坚决地
31.slander [ˈslɑːndə(r)] vt. 口头诽谤,造谣
32.Captain Kidd:基德船长,全名威廉·基德(William Kidd, 1645~1701),苏格兰人,有“海盗之王”的称号。基德是一位极富争议的船长,他曾经是战争英雄,后赏金猎人,却以海盗罪被处死,但他至死不承认是海盗。
33.retaliation [rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 报复,报仇




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