
更新时间:2024-02-06 点赞:3285 浏览:9659 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

在过去的中学教学中,高考这根指挥棒引导着多数教学活动都是以书面英语(written English)为主,从而忽略了口头英语(spoken English)。实际上,学习英语最终目的是为掌握听、说、读、写四项能力,书面英语只是属于其中一小部分,但又与其他部分有着不可分割的联系,特别是“说”,学生在英语测试中能取得好成绩,很大一部分是靠“听”和“说”培养出来的。实践证明,学生听的能力的提高对增强学生语感,扩大课堂语言信息交流密度,实现高效率的学习,提高教学质量,发展学生其他各项能力都起到了极大的促进作用。因此,英语口语相当重要,作为主导教学活动的老师更需要掌握一定的教学口语,关于教学口语,主要可以从两个方面来说明:

一、从教学步骤上(Durning the teaching steps)

A.一节课开始时该说什么(What to say when beginning class)
a.致意(greeting):Good moming,class/boy and girls.
b.自我介绍(introduce oneself):My family name is... I’ll be teaching you this yerm.
c.点名(call the roll):Is anybody absent today?It’s time to start now.
d.开始上课(begin the class):Now let’s get cracking.
Now let’s get cracking.
B.公布教学计划及复习时该说些什么(What to say when announcing the teaching plan for the period and hing review)
a.公布(Announcing):We are going to take up a new lesson today.
Today we’ll conduct the lesson in this way.
b.复习(Review):Now we’ll he a spelling check/a quit/a test.
If we he time, we’ll he a short quit.
二、从教学内容上(From the point of teaching content)
A.语音教学时该说什么(What to say when teaching phonetics.)
a.解释(Explaining) :This is a front/central/back vowel.
b.发音位置(Position when pronouncing):The tongue is held high/how
B.教新单词进的用语(What to say when teaching new words.)
Can you spell the word “good”?
C.教课文时的用语(What to say when teaching the text.)
a.背景知识(Something about setting):I shall tell you something about the author’s life.
b.课文讲解(Explaining):We’ll read this paragraph first and 源于:论文格式范文网www.618jyw.com
then explain the difficult sentences.
D.口语教学用语(What to say when doing oral work.)
Use you imagination while talking about the picture.


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