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盘点2011年的世界影坛,最具争议的莫过于斩获法国戛纳电影节金棕榈奖的《生命之树》(The Tree of Life)一片。这部被评委会主席Robert De Niro称为“伟大”的影片却遭到了媒体记者和观众的质疑。但不管伟大与否,《生命之树》的确一部平庸的影片,它有剧情片的故事情节,有纪录片的摄影手法,有文艺片的语言风格。不论观众喜欢与否,它都展示了完全不同的电影风格。
Nature vs. Grace
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? ... When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? (Job 38:4, 7)
Mother: A man’s heart has heard two ways through life, the way of nature and the way of grace. You he to choose which one you’ll follow. Grace doesn’t try to please itself. It accepts being slighted, forgotten, disliked. It accepts insults and injuries. Nature only wants to please itself, gets others to please it too. It likes to lord it over them, to he its own way. It finds reasons to be unhappy, when all the world is shining around it, and love is iling through all things. They taught us that no one who loves the way of grace ever comes to a bad end. I will be true to you, whatever comes.
整个影片的故事围绕着这段话展开的,也人对待世界的两种态度:the way of grace和the way of nature。故事里的母亲和父亲对待生活的方式代表了这两种态度。在典型的美国中西部传统家庭里,父亲在外工作,赚钱养家,母亲是全职家庭主妇。母亲的生活态度代表了the way of grace。母亲在夫妻联系中以属地位,她用爱与仁慈来接受不完美的世界。她反对父亲的教育方式,但用她的方式默默反抗,就像上文说的,grace接受贬低、遗忘、伤害和侮辱,它不以取悦为目的。而父亲的生活态度则代表了the way of nature,也许译作“人的本性”,这和基督教的原罪说暗暗吻合。在父亲的世界观里,想要在世界里成功,能太仁慈,把摆在位。他这么教育的孩子们的。
Jack母亲的独白表达出整个电影的内涵,影片接下来呈现给观众的是故事悲剧片段。就像约伯一样,五口之家儿子(Jack的弟弟)19岁时意外身亡,两位家长都很悲痛,两人对儿子去世的反应却截然不同。母亲伤心欲绝,想和儿子一起死去。父亲虽内心痛苦万分但体现得十分坚忍,面对前来劝慰的邻居,他淡然地说:“We’re alright. We’re alright. Thank you.”,Jack的奶奶在劝慰他的母亲时所说的一番话耐人寻味。
Grandmother: Shouldn’t he your memories of him. You he to be strong now, and I know the pain will pass in time, you know? It might seem hard, my saying that, but it’s true.
Mother: I don’t want it to.
Grandmother: Life goes on. People pass along. Nothing stays the same. You’ve still got the other two. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away, and that’s the way he is. He sends flies to wounds that he should heal.
“The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.”这句基督教式的话语是整段对话的核心,它阐述的是古老的话题:人怎样面对掌控的命运。
Father: I never got a chance to tell him how sorry I was. I even punched himself in the face for no reason. You sit next to me at the piano and I criticized where he’d turned the pages. I might even feel ashamed. Why shame? Poor boy. Poor boy.


镜头在时空的穿越间定位至夫妇俩的大儿子Jack的成年。Sean Penn饰演的成年Jack西装革履,走在充满后现代感的豪华办公室里和同样光鲜的大厦里,周围的声音都被屏蔽,时间似乎变慢了,观众被带进成年Jack的思维中:“When you’re young, it’s all about your career. You don’t understand anything. I just feel like I’m bumping into walls.”
Jack开始了对往昔的回忆。故事以孩子们出生讲起,美丽的母亲,英俊的父亲,两人相亲相爱,Jack呱呱坠地,接下来两个弟弟相继出生,平和而美丽,都充满了诗意。下镜头,时间跨越到了三兄弟十来岁的年纪。像的男孩子一样,活泼而好动,喜欢和母亲在一起,对父亲充满敬畏。Brad Pitt饰演的父亲是传统的美国中西部大男人的。他深爱的孩子,抚育、保护,也制约小学语文教学论文、威吓。过着中产阶级生活的他向往更的生活,他希望孩子们能出人头地,所以过早地剥夺了童年的天真。
Father: Your mother is naive. It takes fierce will to get ahead in this world. If you’re good, people take advantage of you. Every one of these top executives, you know how they got where they are? Floated right down the middle of the river. Don’t let anyone tell you there’s anything you can’t do. Don’t do like I did. Promise me that. I dreamed of being a great musician. I let myself get sidetracked (转移). If you’re looking for something to happen, that was it. That was life. You lived it.
Father: Toscanini (意大利指挥家) once recorded a piece 65 times. You know what he said when he finished? “It could be better.” Think about it. Twenty-seven patents your father has. It means ownership, ownership of ideas. You got to sew them up (确保⋯⋯成功). Be rich. You make yourself what you are. You he control of your own destiny. You can’t say, “I can’t.” You see I’m hing trouble. I’m not done yet. Can’t say I can’t.
为了磨练孩子们的意志,父亲教三个儿子如何打架,教怎样趁对方不偷袭对方。他说:“You act like you’re in trouble, you don’t wanna fight, and you don’t want any trouble. The minute you see him blink, crack him, okay?”
Pastor: Job imagined he might build his nest on high, that the integrity of his behior would protect him against miortune…. But no. Miortune befalls the good as well. We can’t protect ourselves against it. We can’t protect our children. We can’t say to ourselves, “Even if I’m not happy, I’m going to make sure they are.”We run before the wind. We think that it will carry us forever. It will not. We vanish as a cloud. We wither as the autumn grass, and, like a tree, are rooted up. Is there some fraud in the scheme of the universe? Is there nothing which is deathless, nothing which does not pass away? We cannot stay where we are. We must journey forth. We must find that which is greater than fortune or fate. Nothing can bring us peace but that…. There is no hiding place in all the world, where trouble may not find you. No one knows when sorrow might visit his house, any more than Job did. The very moment everything was taken away from Job, he knew it was the Lord who’d taken it away. He turned from the passing shows of time. He sought that which is eternal. Does he alone see God’s hand, who sees that he gives? Or does not also the one see God’s hand, who sees that he takes away?


Father: That’s a friend of mine. He owns half the real estate in town, Frank Johnson. He started out as a barber. But he built something big. Now you’d think he’s the fourth person of the Holy Trinity. They never talk about their money. Wrong people go hungry, die. Wrong people get loved. The world lives by trickery. If you want to succeed, you can’t be too good.
在父亲威权的压制下,青春期的Jack变得叛逆。在他看来,既然做喜欢的事情,那就做痛恨的事情:“What I want to do, I can’t do. I dowhat I hate.”他开始做“坏事”:和一帮男孩四处捣乱;闯入别人的房屋,拿走女士内衣;把青蛙绑在小火箭上发射上天;用打弟弟的手指头。他一度希望父亲在修车时出事故死去。他心中对父亲充满了深深的怨恨,但他却越来越像的父亲,而他最爱的母亲。
后来,Jack父亲曾引以为傲的事业毫无预兆地遭受了打击。前镜头,他还骄傲地向孩子们炫耀为推销的发明而的国际旅行:“Your father went all around the world, all the way to China. That’s Pan American Airlines. That’s what your father flew on. The entire bathrooms are stainless steel, even the washbasin. I feel confident the deal’s going through. If not, they can forget it. I’ll tell them all to go to hell.”但没过多久,他竟然失业了。那一刻,他终于意识到的理由:“I wanted to be loved because I was great, a big man. I’m nothing. Look at the glory around us. Trees and birds. I lived in shame. I dishonored it all and didn’t notice the glory. I’m a foolish man.”回到家,他把不幸的消息告诉了孩子们的母亲:“They’re closing the plant. They ge me a choice. No job, or traner to a job nobody wants. I never missed a day of work, tithe every Sunday.”原本快乐的一家人一下子陷入了痛苦和困窘中。
Father: You know, Jack, all I ever wanted for you was to make you strong and grow up and be your own boss. Maybe I’ve been tough on you. I’m not proud of that.
Jack: I’m as bad as you are. I’m more like you than her.
Father: You boys are about all I’ve done in life. Otherwise I’ve drawn zilch (零). You’re all I he. You’re all I want to he. My sweet boy.
,一家人不得不搬离现在的住处。伴迁徙的脚步,旁白响起:“The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by. Do good to them. Wonder. Hope.”不管过去怎样,爱依然是人生快乐的源泉。
尾 声
影片,成年后的Jack了未知的世界,那里有儿时的、年轻时的父母、幼年时的兄弟们陌生人。他身旁是美丽的大海,都充满虚幻的美感。影片导演Terrence Malick本身就出生于虔诚的基督教家庭,小时候受过正统的宗教教育,大学读的是哈佛哲学系,而影片结尾似乎他所诠释的人死的天堂。在这里,人都停留在了Jack印象中最美的年纪,又重新找回了失去的亲人。




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