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论文摘要:摘要: 英语写作是英语的四大基本语言技能之一,然而高职高专非英语专业学生在语篇层面上的写作能力欠佳。本论文通过浅析学生英语写作中运用的主位推进方式,探讨如何更有效地布局谋篇,提升信息组织能力,以而写出内容统


关键词: 主位推进方式非英语专业英语写作




基于Danes和国内学者总结出的多种主位推进方式,本论文归纳出以下五种最常见的主位推进方式:(1)放射型。前句的述位往往作为后句的主位,常运用在记叙文中。例:Once upon a time there was a mountain;on top of the mountain stood a temple;in this temple lived a monk named...(2)聚合型。所有句子以同一个主位为出发点,即所有的句子围绕同一个主题进行论述,可用于表述同一事物的不同层面。例如:This watch is very valuable.It is handed down by my great grandfather.It has accompanied my father to go through many hard times.(3)延续型。所有的句子享有同一个述位。例:Dogs are animals people regard as friends;cats are animals like friends...(4)主位派生型。段落中后句的主位都是由首句主位派生而来,主位述位在各句中同时进展。例:Most college students take part-time jobs in their spare time.Some are working as saleen in a supermarket;some are trying to deliver milk to their schoolmates;others are teaching children to study different subjects...(5)述位分裂型。首句的述位分裂成两部分,在下文中作为各小句论述的出发点。例:The Chinese government is making great effort to regulate its economic policy and medical policy.The economic policy now concentrates on the measures taken to reduce the current high rate of unemployment.The medical policy is to further promote the public health service.


(1)Some people think money is all-powerful.(2)In this view,money can buy everything including all materials.(3)They could get the feeling of happiness.(4)They think money makes the mare go.
(5)On the other side,some people think money is not all-powerful.(6)Money is the root of all evils.(7)Money is not all-powerful.(8)There are many things money can’t buy,such as time.(9)There are 24 hours a day.(10)It can’t buy pure love and sincere friends.
(11)In my view,money is indeed important,but money can’t buy everything.(12)Money is just a tool that helps us solve problems or enables us to live a comfortable life.(13)What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers.(14)This way,all of us can lead a happier life.论文摘要:此文中每个小句都有自己的主位,共14句14个主位,都已标注下划线。
(1)Some people think money is all-powerful.(2)In their hearts,money can buy everything including all materials.(3)For example,with a large amount of money,they can buy luxurious cars and receive better education in world-famous colleges.(4)To these people, it seems that money makes the mare go.
(5)However,some other people think money is not that all-powerful.(6)There are many things money can’t buy,such as time.(7)Time is equal to everyone,with no exception to rich people.(8)Even a millionaire can’t call back his lost younger times no matter he offers how much money to exchange for it.(9)In addition,it can’t buy pure love and sincere friends.(10)The lover and friends surrounding the rich people may only attempt to get money from them.
(11)In my view,money is indeed important,but money can’t buy everything.(12)And therefore,I just regard money as a tool that helps us solve problems or enables us to live a comfortable life.(13)To serve this purpose,we’d better make use of money appropriately.
修改后,此文共13句13个主位,具体如下:(T1)Some people;(T2) In their hearts;(T3)For example,with a large amount of money;(T4)To these people;(T5)However,some other people;(T6)There;(T7)Time;(T8)Even a millionaire;(T9)In addition,it;(T10)It;(T11)In my view,money;(T12)And therefore,I;(T13)To serve this purpose


[1]Halliday,M.A.K.(1994).An Introducing to Functional Grammar[M].London:Arnold,38.


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