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1 Celie’s Painful Suffering
Celie, the main actor and narrator of the Color Purple, is a poor black woman living in a patriarchal society in the south of America. When she was only fourteen, her stepfather raped her. But what she can do is to bear all these silently. All her tolerance doesn’t change into happiness or freedom, but the marriage to Albert (Mr.--), another arrogant and rude man.
Though Celie is a good stepmother and wife, she wins no care or love from Mr.-- and his children. Celie is even often bullied and humiliated by Mr.--. “He beat me like beat the children (Walker, Alice, 1986).” And what Celie can do is to stand there suffer all this silently. After seeing Celie’s suffering, Mr.--’s sister Kate encourages her to fight. Instead of standing up to protest the injustice of the male world, Celie even advises Harpo, Mr.--’s eldest son, to beat his wife, Sofia, and this time Celie herself acts as an accomplice for the patriarchal society.
It’s clearly that Celie has internalized her fear so that it expresses herself in sickness rather than in healthy anger. Obviously, it is the patriarchal thought that changes its victim to be its accessory, which is the most tragic thing (Cruse, Harold, 1969).
From the very beginning Celie bears double burden of sexual and emotional abuse, it becomes imperative for her to write to God, for she believes in God. According to the doctrine of God, Celie “learns” to endure pains and to be obedient to patriarchal oppressors.
2 Celie’s Awakening
By the influence of Sofia, Celie has gradually realized she lacks something and she becomes good friends with Sofia. Then Shug comes. Shug is Mr.--’s lover, and she comes to their home because of her illness and Celie takes good care of her. Shug intended to hate Celie because she is Albert’s wife. But then she finds Celie is a good woman and begins to protect her from Albert’s beating, which makes Celie feel that someone cares about her and loves her.
Hing been raped by her stepfather and later mistreated by Mr.--, sex to Celie has become something she never enjoys. Shug encourages Celie to he a close look at her own body. It is the first time of Celie’s self-acknowledge of her own body and discovering its beauty. And it is also the first time that Celie knows that sexual contact can be enjoyable rather than a burden. Celie begins to change, as now sex is used to empower her. And the crucial moment of empowerment for Celie comes when Shug is willing to sleep with her, which releases Celie from the constraints of male domination. She thus gains control over her own body and sexuality (Bone, 1973). Shug also sets Celie free in spirituality. When Celie begins to question God, Shug gives her own understandingof God. “I believe God is everything…that feeling of being part of everything, not separate at all. (Walker, Alice, 1986)” Shug’s idea gives a completely new recognition of Go源于:论文格式字体www.618jyw.com
d to Celie, so she is free from the old thoughts that the God is a white man.
After restraining her feeling for so many years, Celie seems incapable of being anger again though. Since the empowered characters all seem to be able to get angry, it can be inferred that Celie will not be able to break free from her servitude until something shatters her apathy. Then the letters from her young sister Nettie comes. Shug manages to convert Celie's anger to Mr.-- into a sense of freedom and self-awareness. Finally, at the departure to Hemphis with Shug, Celie already has Godlike power to reacts Mr.--’s curses, and states her existence not just being alive.
While staying at Memphis, Celie is encouraged to live an independent life. She finds her own occupation and becomes economically independent. She also wears pants instead of dress. Changing clothes is another manifestation of freedom, freedom of lifestyle. When she returns, everyone looks her differently. Later, Celie is suddenly told to inherit her blood father’s property, so she owns her own house and a store. Sophia is employed to work in her store as a salesperson. For the first time, there is someone under Celie’s control. The relationship between Celie and Mr.-- also changes into friendship, and Celie starts to call him Albert directly instead of Mr.--.
The empowerment of Celie arrives in full force at the end of the novel when Nettie returns. Hing her family return and finally to be loved by other people is the equivalent of starting a new life of Celie. (Smith, Nick, 2006)
3 Brief Analysis of the Reasons of Celie’s Awakening
The most important reason for Celie’s awaking is love in broad sense. The two significantly meanings of love are: first, a strong feeling of caring about someone, especially a member of your family or a close friend; second, a strong feeling of liking and caring about someone, especially combined with sexual attraction. Both the two kinds of love can be found in the novel.
The typical example of the first kind of love is the love between Celie and Nettie. As mentioned above, though Celie has realized something by the influence of Sofia and Shug, she still has no courage to fight until she finds out Nettie’s letters. It is the love between them that gives her strength to pour out her wrath. It’s still the love that makes them endure everything and be beyond everything. Maybe even God is moved by their love, so at last they meet again. The second type of love is always between men and women, but in this novel, the love is between two women: Celie and Shug. For the historical reason, the black women he become the sexual tool of white and black men since they were sold to America. Thus, if black women cannot control their own body, their slery spirit will never be liberated. Therefore, the摘自:学术论文模板www.618jyw.com
love between Celie and Shug symbols the awakening of Celie. The love lets her enjoy sexual intercourse and also provides a way for Celie to prove her own power and realize her own value (Smith, Nick, 2006). Finally, Celie has awakened and fought back with the help of those who love her and those who she loves, and most important, by her own self-reliance. Therefore, the essence of the love is the awakening of black women against the black men’s cruelness.
Walker, Alice.杨仁敬(译).紫色[M].北京:北京十月文艺出版社,1986.
Walker, Alice.鲁书江(译).紫色——写给上帝的信[M].安徽:安徽文艺出版社,1988.
[3]Cruse, Harold. Rebellion or revolution?[J] New York: William Morrow, 1969.
[4]Bone, Robert. The Negro Novel in America[M]. New Hen: Yale University Press, 1973.
[5]Smith, Nick. GradeSer: ClassicNote: The Color Purple. GradeSer[J]. 15 Apr. 2006.


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