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1. take on

a. 接受,承担
:Don’t take on any more responsibi-
lities. 不要再承担更多的责任了。
b. 雇用
:After the global financial crisis, the company decided to take on more staff. 全球金融危机,这家公司决定再雇用员工。
c. 呈现 (面貌)
:Wenchuan has taken on a new look after three years’ reconstruction. 经过三年的重建,汶川呈现出一片崭新的面貌。
The insect can take on the color of its surroundings. 昆虫能随环境而变色。

2. take in

a. 接待(某人)留宿,收留
:The villagers were very hospitable and took in the trelers from afar for the night. 村民们很热情,让远方的游客留宿了一晚。
b. 欺瞒,欺骗
:I was badly taken in when I bought that second-hand computer. 买那台二手的电脑让我上了大当。
c. 理解,掌握
:The confused look on the students’ faces showed that they didn’t take in what the teacher said. 学生们脸上疑惑的表情听明白老师的话。
d. ,
:This is the total cost of the conference, taking everything in. 此次会议的总开支,论文了的费用。
e. 吸收
:The sport will help you burn off the extra calories you take in. 这项运动帮你燃烧掉你吸收的多余热量。

3. take off

a. 脱下,脱去(尤指衣服);解(拿)掉
:In some countries, you’d better take off your shoes before you go into others’ house. 在有些,在别人的房子,你最好脱掉鞋子。
b. (飞机等)升空,起飞
:The plane took off an hour later than scheduled due to the thick fog. 大雾,飞机比安排的时间晚了小时起飞。
c. 在(某日或某段时间)休假,歇(……天)假,请假
:She will take a week off next month and she plans to he a perfect holiday in Venice. 她下个月将休星期的假,她打算去威尼斯过完美假期。
d. 开始有成效,开始受欢迎,开始成名
:After a slow start, the plan soon took off and was accepted by all. 计划开始进展很慢,但很快见成效了,并被人接受了。

4. take to

a. 养成(某种习惯);嗜好……;耽于……,沉湎于……,沉迷于……
:The young man took to drinking after breaking up with his girlfriend. 年轻人和女友分手后就染上了酗酒的恶习。
b. 喜欢上……,对……产生好感
:Mr. Blake took to the young lady at the first sight. 布莱克先生对这位年轻女士一见钟情。
Botticelli took to painting at a young age. 波提切利以小就喜欢画画。

5. take up

a. 开始以事(某项活动);对……产生兴趣;开始学习(某课程);选修
论文网:He took up acting after he graduated from the college. 大学毕业后他当起了演员。
Many students majoring in English didn’t take to any math course since they entered the university. 英语专业的学生上大学后就选修过任何数学课程。
b. 占去、占据(地方、时间、力等);
:For middle school students, study takes up too much time so that they seldom do sports. 对中学生来说,学习占用了太多时间,以至于很少运动。
The piano takes up too much space. 这架钢琴占太多地方了。
c. 拿起,捡起
:The angry people took up arms and overthrew the old regime. 愤怒的拿起武器,推翻了旧政权。

6. take after

a. (在相貌、体格、性情等)与……相像
:He takes after his grandfather in being strong-minded. 他性格刚毅,像他爷爷。
b. 仿效,学……的榜样
:You should take after your sister who is a diligent student. 你学学你的姐姐,她是个勤奋的学生。

7. take down

a. 拿下,取下
:He took down a box from the top shelf and passed it to the comer. 他以书架顶格拿下了盒子,交给来者。
b. 记下来
:Take it down in case you forget it. 记下来,以免忘记。
c. 拆掉(房屋等), (尤指为了修理或搬移而)把(大型机器或大物件)拆成零部件
:They he taken down the old water tower. 已经拆掉了那座旧水塔。
8. take... for...
:They took him for a foreigner. 误以为他是外国人。
用take 的词组的形式完成句子。

1. He studying English 5 years ago.

2. This year alone, the government will an extra 500 civil servants.
3. You are late. The planeten minutes ago.
4. Reading the instruction won’t more than five minutes.

Keys: 1. took to;

2. take on;

3. took off;

4. take up.



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