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2013年4月20日,在四川省雅安发生了里氏7.0级地震。我与学生一起重温一系列有关地震的词语earthquake, hit, rescue, donate等,以及“现在分词作状语”知识点,如:A strong earthquake hit the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan on Saturday, killing more than 30 people and injuring hundreds of others.再一起在幻灯片上阅读了当天的最新消息:There was conflicting information about the earthquake's strength, with the USGS putting the magnitude at 6.6 and the China Earthquake Networks Center gauging it at 7.0.Authorities he responded by sending rescue workers to the area around the epicenter, shutting down the airport in Chengdu and suspending high-speed rail operations, state media reported. The event stirred memories of the devastating earthquake that hit Sichuan in 2008, killing more than 87,000 people.在这样的情景下,学生轻而易举地学会了与earthquake相关的词语及现在分词做非谓语的相关语法。在关注地震的过程中,学生会被触目惊心的灾难和八方支援的爱心洪潮深深地感染。


我在母亲节问学生:What day is today? What are you doing for your mother? 学生反应热烈,有的说会送花给母亲,有的说会帮母亲做家务等,当然也可能有些学生什么也不做。然后展开讨论:Should we show our love to our mothers for Mother's Day? 最后我总结:I know you love your mother so much but maybe you are used to getting love from your mother. You are supposed to show your love to your 源于:本科论文www.618jyw.com
mother. You can say some nice words to her, give her a hug or do something for her.谁言寸草心,报得三春晖?母爱不求回报,但应该得到回报! 第二天,我们继续母亲节的话题:What did you do for your mother?进行口头表达能力的训练。


2013年3月22日,携带夫人彭对俄罗斯进行国事访问,相对于政治性较强的热点,学生对我国第一夫人彭更感兴趣,所以我特意给他们看从飞机下机舱的视频及她一系列的得体大方的衣着相片,学生无不慨叹第一夫人的魅力,纷纷发表意见,用学过的形容词charming, dignified, elegant等词来形容她,觉得第一夫人为增进与出访国人民的友谊和提升国家形象,发挥了意想不到的积极影响。他们都用了一些短语,比如take one’s pride in,be proud of, he a great influence on等。在学生讨论兴致正浓时,我引导他们写下此时此刻的心情,以及请她转述大家对习总的问候,转述我们对中国的新发展提出的一个请求。学生反应很非常积极与兴奋,不乏优秀之作。
责任编辑 魏文琦


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