
更新时间:2024-01-20 点赞:27181 浏览:121250 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

摘 要:在生本教学中,要充分调动和利用学生积极性,使学生在遇到难题时,学会相互合作,共同探讨,帮助学生形成终身学习的意识和能力。
关键词:生本教育 中专英语教学




现以《剑桥国际英语教程》(录像活动用书)中的第十四课 “Around the World: the game show”为例来阐明生本教育在中专英语教学中的应用初探。


Part I: Please find out the answers to the following questions both in English and Chinese. (Try to find pictures of the mentioned places and prepare to present the information by using paper or PPT in class.)
Group One:

1. Where is the Nile River? Introduce it.

2. Where is the Amazon River?Introduce it.
3. What’s the highest waterfall in the world? Introduce it.
Group Two:
1. What is the highest mountain in the world? Introduce it.

2. Where is Mt. Mckinley? Introduce it.

3. Where is Mt. Kilimanjaro? Introduce it.
Group Three:
1. What is the largest desert in the world? Introduce it.
2. Where is the Great Indian Desert? Introduce it.
3. Where is the Gobi Desert? Introduce it.
Group Four:
1. What is the largest city in the world? Introduce it.

2. Where is Los Angeles? Introduce it.

3. Where is Mexico City? Introduce it.

Part II: Write at least three questions about your topics. You should know the answers to them.
Group One: Rivers and waterfalls
Group Two: Mountains and islands
Group Three: Deserts and oceans
Group Four: Cities and countries


上课时,小组代表来展示自己组的作业成果,介绍所查到的有关地理知识。学生们听的非常认真,这为后面课本内容的理解与掌握奠定了基础。我针对学生所学知识设计了一个跟课本相似的game show,以小组为单位开展竞赛。其中三分之一的问题是课本内容,部分问题是学生自己设置的,而且问题用到了本课的语法点:比较级和最高级。这既可以让学生体会game show, 也可以检测学生前置作业的完成情况和所学知识的掌握程度,同时又让学生熟悉练习重点语法。其中设置的问题分为25分,50分和75分,由学生根据自己情况选择答题。学生们参加非常踊跃,场面非常热烈。所设计的问题如下:
Rivers and waterfalls
What is the longest river in the world?
Which is higher, Huangguoshu Waterfall or Hukou Waterfall?
Which river flows through the most countries, the Danube, the Mississippi or the Nile?
Mountains and islands
Which country is called the “island continent?”
What is the highest mountain in the world? 摘自:论文查重www.618jyw.com


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