
更新时间:2024-04-13 点赞:37103 浏览:163073 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

Abstract: This article gives a brief review of the current state of training MTI translators and interpreters. After analyzing the probl源于:毕业设计论文模板www.618jyw.com
ems that exist in course of the training, the author, as a student of MTI, puts forth some suggestions to improve the MTI training in colleges and universities to train practical translators and interpreters from the point of view of learning.
Key words: MTI training; problems; strategies


In 2007, the Degree Committee of the State Council approved of the setting of Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) to meet the society’s urgent needs of the high-level translators. Now, MTI is one of the 20 professional degrees in China. By the end of 2010, 158 colleges and universities could recruit students for MTI training. At the same time, with the expanding of the international communication, translators and interpreters are in great need not only in China, but also all over the world. In China, those colleges and universities that can provide MTI training train the students almost in the same pattern, which is contradictory to the various needs of the translators and interpreters. So, it is necessary to analyze the problems that exit in course of the training and put forward some proposals to improve the training in colleges and universities to train practical translators and interpreters.
2.1 The two-year’s program seems too short for MTI students.
Today, all the MTI training in China has a two-year’s program, including theory learning, professional learning and practice, but it seems too short for MTI students. Almost all the students manage to finish their learning in one year only and try their best to find a job in the second year. Therefore, the time for learning is limited, so for practice. It is contradictory that a student wants to find a decent job without much experience. But in one-year’s learning, one can only gain some skin-deep understanding of those courses supplied in colleges and universities, especially those specific knowledge.
2.2 In fact, students majoring in a certain foreign language can not get the bulge on MTI learning as expected.
Although there is no limitation on the previous major for the would-be MTI students, students majoring in a certain foreign language, in fact, he the priority of being enrolled because of the design of the entrance examination for MTI which includes at least two subjects on a certain foreign language, and sometimes a second foreign language is required.


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