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完形填空的论述格式塔心理学(Gestalt Psychology)。该论述:人类具有使缺损物体的图形结构修补的心理倾向与潜在意识。1953年,英国学者泰勒(W.L.Taylor)在他的文章中“完形程序” (Cloze Procedure)的。要求设题者在一篇短文中,删除单词,由受试者将删去的词汇复原。,完形填空高考考查考生英语综合能力的题型。



1. 首句不设空,是个完整的句子;

2. 仅考实词:动词、名词、形容词和副词;

3. 体裁更替:2009年记叙文,2010年文,2011年议论文;

4. 备选项形式相同:词类相同,语法形式一致;

5. 选项中常有由课本词根派生出来的新词;

6. 选材适合中学生的情感认知和生活实际,有教育作用小学数学教学论文。



1. 主谓搭配。

[例1]...and video cameras can be used topeople’s actions at home
A. keepB. makeC. recordD. watch
剖析:主谓搭配,摄像机(video cameras)应当是“(record)”的行动,而不会是“保持、制造、观看”的行动,故选C。

2. 动宾搭配。

[例2]Everyone has a place to go to, people to see and appointments to.
A. stayB. remainC. keepD. put
剖析:动宾联系,与appointments相搭配的动词应是keep,表示“履约、守约”是keep an appointment,故选C。

3. 替代提醒。

[例3]Some top students do feel bored in class, but why they14so goes far beyond the work they he in school. (2011广东高考)
A. believeB. thinkC. sayD. feel

4. 介词暗示。

[例4]On April 12,1888,Alfred’s brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaperhis brother for him.(2009广东高考)
A. foundB. misunderstoodC. mistook D. judged
剖析:由后面的介词for提醒,可知用mistook,mistake A for B意为“误以为A是B”。
[例5]... theyuniversities with skills for the workplace, ...(2012深圳一模)
A. attendB. enterC. leeD. enjoy
剖析:由for可知填lee,lee A for B意为“离开A地去B地”。

5. 动作先后。

[例6]Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. The big noise brought people out into the warm night... Little boys more and covered their ears as they waited for the explosions.
A. litB. boughtC. piledD. removed

6. 逻辑推断。

[例7]After driving about fifty meters, they found they were blocked by a thick wall made of something like On the other side of the wall, a few stranger beings stopped to look through it.
A. glassB. stoneC. woodD. teal
剖析:由look through it可知,这堵厚厚的墙应是由像玻璃之类的东西做成了,故选A。

7. 词的褒贬。

[例8]In the special class, they showed little ability to use their own judgment, relying8on their teachers’ directions. In the regular class, hing no worry about keeping up, they began to reflect9on many problems, some of which were not on the school program. (2011广东高考)
8. A. speciallyB. slightly
C. wronglyD. heily
9. A. directlyB. cleverly
C. voluntarily D. quickly
剖析:由语境可知,作者对普通班是“褒”,对搞特殊班是“贬”的,推断,作者的意思是,在特殊班里,学生会“过份地”(heily)依赖教师的指引,而在普通班里,不必担心跟不上课,“自动地”(voluntarily)深思小学英语教学论文别的理由。9. D 10. C。
8. 前后暗示。
[例9]However, to take these5 out of the regular classes may create serious problems. I observed a number of intelligent children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a7 class. (2011广东高考 )


5. A. childrenB. programs

C. graduates D. designs

7. A. separateB. regular C. newD. boring

剖析:由后children who were taken out of可启迪,这里是take these children out of,第5空选A;因placed in a ... class与were taken out of a special class有比较联系,应填与special相对的词,故第7空选B。
[例10]Fortunately, there are a vast number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes, from ones like Lincoln’s Cottage to your own postwar home. (2012湛江一模)
A. historic B. worthless
C. ordinaryD. meaningless
剖析:所举例子Lincoln’s Cottage可知选A。
[例11]Many of those listed on the door are still12 ; Some he stopped. Some remain with us only in memory. (2012汕头一模)
A. growing B. contributing
C. studyingD. working
剖析:因are still growing, he stopped, remain with us only in memory三者并列,三种情况降序排列,所以选A。
9. 细节与中心互推。
[例12]It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes...
There can be little doubt that classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. (2011广东高考)
A. regularB. specialC. allD. creative
剖析:空格所在句是对文章讨论的中心句(It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes)的展开或评论,选B。
10. 词语复现。
[例3]Advertising is about creating images, and this is especially true when advertising food and drinks. What the____________ looks like is more important than what it tastes like. If companies hope to sell food succesully, the food must look appetizing. (2012佛山一模)
A. companyB. foodC. imageD. milk
剖析:由前面的food and drink,后面的 sell food, the food可知选B,原词复现。
[例14]... in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual growth by learning situation that has designed for the children. (2011广东高考)
A. artB. curiousC. matureD. erage
[例15]It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The has been on the belief that...(2011广东高考)
A. principleB. theory
C. argumentD. classification
[例16]Many are concerned that gifted children become bored and lose interest in learning. However, this concern is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these____________ simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those. (2011广东高考)
A. studentsB. adultsC. scholarsD. teachers
剖析:由语义联系可知,“these”指前面的parents and teachers,adults了parents and teachers,故选B。adult是上义词,parents and teachers是下义词,上下义复现。
(2)代词的指代含义,如it, this, that, these, those, some, other(s), one, another, such, so,he, she, they, him, her(s), his, their, them.等的指代内容,要弄清楚。
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