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Tintin1)—Palle Huld
The 15-year-old Danish writer and actor's 1928 voyage around the world, documented in his book Around the World in 44 Days by Palle reportedly inspired Hergé's Tintin, himself a young jet-setting fellow. As far as we can tell, Snowy2) was just a stroke3) of pure genius invention.
Alice—Alice Liddell
Famously, Alice Liddell was the inspiration and namesake4) for Lewis Carroll's children's classic Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Carroll, then known as Charles Dodgson, was close with the Liddell family, and when 10-year-old Alice begged for a story, Dodgson began to spin his famous tale of Alice and what happened after she fell through the rabbit hole. Unlike previous stories he had told her, she asked him to write it down. The rest, as they say, is history.
Severus Snape5)—John Nettleship
When Rowling admitted that Snape was "loosely based on a teacher I myself had", the press tracked down John Nettleship, who taught Rowling Chemistry at Wyedean School near Chepstow6). When first approached, he was surprised, explaining, "I was horrified when I first found out. I knew I was a strict teacher, but I didn't think I was that bad." In retrospect7), however, he admitted that he was "a short-tempered8) chemistry teacher with long hair ... [and a] gloomy, malodorous9) laboratory," which seems pretty on-point to us.
Long John Silver10)—William Ernest Henley
When Robert Louis Stevenson was trying to come up with a good villain11) for Treasure Island, he was inspired by his friend, William Ernest Henley, an English poet, critic and editor, a jovial12) fellow who had had his left leg amputated13) from the knee after a childhood bout14) of tuberculosis15). After the publication of Treasure Island, Stevenson wrote to his friend: "I will now make a confession. It was the sight of your maimed16) strength and masterfulness that begot17) Long John Silver ... the idea of the maimed man, ruling and dreaded by the sound, was entirely taken from you."
Sethe—Margaret Garner
Toni Morrison has said that she based the story of Beloved, and particularly the character of Sethe, on two articles she read about Margaret Garner, a sle who escaped captivity18) in 1856 by running away to Ohio, where it had been abolished19). When sle catchers found her and her family, she killed her youngest child, publicly stating that she would rather he her child dead than experience life in slery. In the novel, Sethe makes similar choices, to both her pride and torment20).
Ebenezer Scrooge—John Elwes
Evidence suggests that Charles Dickens based legendary miser21) Ebenezer Scrooge on the 18th century politician John Elwes, who had inherited a fortune but was loath22) to spend a single penny, preferring to live as if in poverty, squatting23) in empty apartments. Whether he went around muttering24) "bah25) humbug26)", we really can't say.
Charles Baker "Dill" Harris—Truman Capote
Harper Lee based Dill on her own childhood friend, Truman Capote. As he once said, "Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Harper Lee's mother and father, lived very near. Harper Lee was my best friend. Did you ever read her book, To Kill a Mockingbird? I'm a character in that book, which takes place in the same all town in Alabama where we lived. Her father was a lawyer, and she and I used to go to trials all the time as children. We went to the trials instead of going to the movies."


1.Tintin: 丁丁,比利时画家埃尔热的著名系列漫画作品《丁丁历险记》主人公。该系列漫画共25部,全都以冒险为主,辅以科学幻想的内容,内容幽默,倡导反战、和平和人道主义思想,在西方非常著名。
2.Snowy: 白雪,《丁丁历险记》中跟随在丁丁身边的一只小狗,有些淘气,但对主人无比忠诚,多次协助丁丁完成任务。
3.stroke [strəʊk] n. (幸运或突发事件的)一次,一回
4.namesake [ˈneɪmseɪk] n. 以他人的名字取名的人;同名(或同姓、同姓名)的人
5.Severus Snape: 西弗勒斯·斯内普,小说《哈利·波特》系列人物,霍格沃茨魔法学校教师(教授魔药、黑魔法防御),斯莱特林学院院长,后继邓布利多出任霍格沃茨魔法学校校长。
6.Chepstow: 切普斯托,英国著名的小镇,因地处英格兰和威尔士的交界处独一无二的田园风光而著名。 retrospect: 回想,事后看来

8.short-tempered: 急性子的,脾气暴躁的;易怒的
9.malodorous [ˌmælˈəʊdərəs] adj. 难闻的,恶臭的
10.Long John Silver: 朗·约翰·西尔弗,罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森成名作《金银岛》独腿海盗,不惜代价攫取钱财,是个十足的坏人。
11.villain [ˈvɪlən] n. (戏剧、小说)反派角色,反面人物
12.jovial [ˈdʒəʊviəl] adj. 善良快活的,愉快的
13.amputate [ˈæmpjuteɪt] vt. (尤指用外科手术)切断,截(肢)

4.bout [baʊt] n. (疾病等的)发作

15.tuberculosis [tjuːˌbɜːkjuˈləʊsɪs] n. 【医】结核(病);肺结核
16.maimed [meɪmɪd] adj. 伤残的;有缺陷的;丧失能力的

7.beget [bɪˈɡet] vt. 产生,,招致

18.captivity [kæpˈtɪvəti] n. 囚虏;(期);羁绊,束缚
19.abolish [əˈbɒlɪʃ] vt. 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等);废止
20.torment [ˈtɔːmənt] n. 痛苦;苦恼;折磨
21.miser [ˈmaɪzə(r)] n. 守财奴;财迷;吝啬鬼,小气鬼
22.loath [ləʊθ] adj. [用作表语] 不愿意的;厌恶的

3.squat [skwɒt] vi. 蹲,蹲坐;盘腿坐

24.mutter [ˈmʌtə(r)] vt. 小声而含糊不清地说;小声抱怨说

5.bah [bɑː] int. [用于表示轻蔑、厌恶、不耐烦等] 呸

26.humbug [ˈhʌmbʌɡ] n. 骗子;假冒者




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