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半年的学习或一年的学习又或整个高英语课程都学完了,也许你会英语的知识点多的的脑子都装不下了,所以在复习迎考中要把握各知识点间的内在联系,做到融会贯通,举一反三 。

1. 语音

1.1 单词。读者判断的难点是单词的元音是发长音还是发短音。要以中找出规律性的东西 。试看下列两组单词划线的读音:
Group Ⅰ:
forget forbid forever permit Saturday
vinegar grammar captain mountain
certain curtain information regret
refuse remember renew valley
Group Ⅱ:
certain curtain worthy sport
fortunately remarry reunite train
contain gain key
组单词划线发短元音,弱化,它们在弱读音节中;组单词划线发双元音或长元音,它们在重读音节中。所以在判断单词的划线是读长元音还是短元音时,要 以判断其重读还是弱读音节入手。
1.2 对于较规律性的东西,要归纳、比较,使之溶为一体,这样就会记得入耳入脑。如:mouth,path ,bath,youth,earth,truth这些词以清辅音结尾,但当它们变成复数形式时,其词尾的清辅音变成浊辅音,而m onth,cloth,death,tenth,length等词都变化。其一般规律是:“th”前为双元音或长元音时要变;“ th”前为短元音时则不变。再如:词首“ex”是发[igz],[iks]还是[eks]?同学感到困难,其实也有规律。
1)一般说来,以“ex”开头的单词,其后为元音音素,且重音落在个音节上的,“ex”发[igz]。 如:example,examine,exist,examination,exhibit,exhaust(“h”不发音),exact,exactly,etc.
2)以“ex”开头的单词,其后为辅音音素,且重音落在个音节上的,“ek”发[iks]。如:excha nge,experiment,expect,except,excuse,expense,extraordinary,etc.
3)以“ex”开头的单词,不管其后为何音素,只要个音节为重读或次重读的,“ex”发[eks]。如 :extra,expert,exercise,excellent,exhibition,expeditionary,etc.
1.3 把有关的词编成有作用小学数学教学论文的句子,读朗朗上口,便于记忆。如: [u],不的发[u:]:1)在[k]前面;2)在弱读音节中;3)A good wooden foot stood on a wo olen hood(一条好木脚直立在一顶毛兜帽上。),本句单词及它们的派生词:good,good-bye,wood,footmark ,football,understood,misunderstood,wool,childhood,etc.
2. 词汇NMET考查的词汇课本常见词,掌握这些词的难点识记其拼写,领会其确切含义,把握其 固定搭配,弄通一词多性及一词多义。为达到上述目的,在复习中可下列策略教学论文:
2.1 典型例句,典型词汇,对其浅析、归纳,以而达到培养逆向思维,提高应试能力。如:
1)He looked(A.calm;B,calmly)。答案是A.looked是系动词。
2)He looked(A.calm;B.calmly)at me.答案是B.looked是动词。
3)He looked friendly(A.at;B.to)me as if we were close friends.答案是B。主句为系表结构,fri endly是形容词。
4)He looked(A.at;B.to)me in a friendly way as if we were closefriends.答案是A。in a friend ly way当方式状语。
再如:He got married at the age of 25.
He was healthy for his age.
He lived a happy life in his old age.
He grew impatient with age.
A leader can't be judged by his age.
2.2 编成顺口溜,读朗朗上口,久而不忘。如:对于哪些动词后面的以句要用含蓄的虚拟语气,只要 记住:一坚持,二命令,三倡议,四要求。insist,order,command,advise,suggest,propose,request,requir e,demand,ask.就可掌握了十个词。再补上:be determined that,urge that,it's decidedthat,hold the v iew that.中学阶段的此类动词就掌握了。
e.g.1.I suggest that we(should) hold a meetingtonight.
2.He ordered that all(should)take part in the work.
3.They insisted that we(should)begin the work at once.(SB Ⅱ,P.114)
再如:哪些动词后面要跟省“to”的不定式或现在分词当宾补,只要记住:一感,二听,三让,四看。feel,hear,listen to,let(不跟现在分词),he,make(不跟现在分词),see,notice,watch,observe又可掌 握十个词。
e.g.1.I had never seen it break out,until I saw it in the dyingboy.(SB Ⅱ,P.52)

2.Now let me hear you play(JB Ⅳ,P.107)


对于动词后面既可跟不定式又可跟动名词,但所表达的作用小学数学教学论文迥然不同的词,只要记住:一记,二忘,三遗 憾,四试,五图,六停止。就可将remember,forget,regret,try,mean,stop六个单词记下了。
e.g.1.To reach it meant climbing up a all set of steps….(SB Ⅱ,P.224)

2.What do you mean to do with it?

3.He tried to break away from me.

4.Try doing more exercises;you'll soon lose weight.
对枯燥的识记,要以中找出内在的联系,找同义词,反义词,构词法或编成有 作用小学数学教学论文的句子或顺口溜,可大大降低识记的难度。
3. 句型句型复习的要放在把握各句型间的异同点,有不态的联系与区别,以句间的转化及 区别,简单句,复合句,并列句的区别与转化等。句型复习同样以典型例句入手,达到举一反三的效 果。:
1) He didn't tell me how he was getting on with his English.
I don't know that he is getting on well with his English.
I don't know what he is getting on well with.
I don't know whether he is getting on well with his friend.
2) Because his mother was ill,he had to stay at home.(理由状语以句)
Because of his mother's illness,he had to stay at home.(介词短语当状语)
With his mother ill,he had to stay at home. (介词的复合结构当状语)
His mother being ill,he had to stay at home.(独立主格结构当状语)
3) He has three children;two of them are daughters.(并列句)
He has three children,two of whom are daughters.(定语以句)
He has three children,two of them daughters.(同位句)
4) When the meeting will take place is still unknown.(主语以句)
I don't know the meeting will take place.(宾语以句)
The question is when we'll hold the meeting.(表语以句)
When the meeting takes place,I'll let you know.(时间状语以句,以句以一般现在时表达将来时)
5) People usually build their houses where there are plenty ofnatural resourse.(地点状语以 句)
The books used to be kept in the house where there are lots of shelves.(定语以句,where可被 in which代替)
He has never been to where his grandfather was born.(宾语以句,where被词所代替)
Where the neeting will be held hasn't been decided yet.(主语以句,where也被词所代替 )
6)His being elected made his family wild with joy.(动名词作主语)
That he had been elected made his family wild with joy.(主语以句,that省略)
He hing been elected,his family are wild with joy.(独立主格结构,用He而His)

4. 完型填空 题人不擅长。怎么做呢?先看看完型题目出错的理由有哪些。

1) 上下文衔接词选择出现错误。(该顺承你却选了转折等等)
2) 选单词时词义混淆。
3) 固定搭配的短语记忆不清,语法时态语态句式错误。
4) 文章内容理解错误。(干脆就看不懂文章)
1) 填空前读一遍文章,看看每段之间的衔接是怎样的。总结日常学习衔接词、短语。
2) 这讲到单词了。我背单词书,在学习时把每个单元的单词背得很牢。平时没事就读文章,遇见频繁出现的生词记下来而已。
3) 短语,在高三老师会总结,背过课本上学过的,再灵活运用你所背过的单词,总结规律,一般短语就算不知道,也能把意思猜出来。时态语态啥的就要靠你浅析文章的背景了。
4) 就算看不懂文章,也能做对一半的题。你把关于文章内容的题目先放到一边,把语法和词汇类的做对了。不过看不懂的人是很少的,一般人最多有点理解偏差。





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