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Abstract:Adult college students must know about the frequent mistakes often occurring in their writing and try to oid them. The author has mentioned some useful and practical methods in this article.
Key words:adult students; English writing; some mistakes; effective ways
1 Introduction
searching randomly from the internet, there are many articles about English listening, speaking, and reading except English writing about adult college students. As the survey shows, most adult students are not good at English writing.
2 The basic requirement of writing for adult college students
Though we cannot find the standard on adult college students in the country, the basic requirement and standard on writing for adult college students can refer to CET-3.
3 Some mistakes often occurred in writing
Adult college students often make some mistakes in their English writing as following: For example, a lot of students are not good at making use of transitional words to show relation between causes and effects, sequence, addition, etc; Some adult students can’t spell words correctly, even choose the less exact ones and occasionally use Chinglish.
4 Some effective methods of writing
Adult college students should try their best to oid some frequent mistakes. There are some referring suggestions as following:
4.1Understanding the requirement of the title
Usually, Adult college students he been given the title and some relative information when they are in College English Test. They should read them carefully and try to understand the requirement.

4.2Mastering many words

As the proverb says, even a cleverest housewife cannot cook a meal without rice. So it is important for learners, especially adult college students to hold the vocabulary in writing.

2.1 Making use of transitional words

Transitional words show different relationship among some sentences, such as coordination, causes and effects, etc. For example:
The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner. But I found our my own way to deal with them. As to spelling, I never copied a new work again and again to remember it, but tried to find its relevance to the sound. In fact, as long as I can read the word out, I can write it out. As to the meaning, I rarely recite its Chinese translation but often put the word into the sentence to learn its meaning. Moreover, if you use a word quite often, its spelling and meaning will be no problem. After all, we are learning English in order to use it..In this paragraph, we find that there are five transitional words, which make this paragraph go through in regular sequence.

2.2 Repetition of key words

It’s a good method to repeat key words and achieve the 源于:论文封面格式范文www.618jyw.com
goal of jointing up the paragraph to a entirety.

4.3 Writing every paragraph well

Every writer must understand the nature and construction of paragraphs because the writing of a composition begins with paragraphs. In adult college English Test, the compositions are always required to write in three parts.“To begin our definition we may say that paragraphs are like men. Each is an individual, like any other. Yet, as all men are alike in hing a head, eyes,two arms, and two legs, every paragraph is like all the others, all possessing, so to speak, the same anatomy.”

4.4 Hing some highlights in it

Some idioms or proverbs in our composition may make it an inspiring passage and make it more persuading. such as "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"or"What's lost is lost".
In the composition"Cultivate the will", a writer begins with this sentence "Where there is a will, there is a way." at the very beginning. Don't you think it’s a wonderful beginning? This proverb has shown the importance of will effectively.

4.5 Some other factors

4.5.1 Organize thoughts before writing

Before writing, adult students can make use of the method of brainstorm, and make an outline、etc.

4.5.2 Length of composition

The length of the composition should be neither too long nor too short. In adult college English test, the requirement on the length is 100 words or so.

4.6.3Revision of draft

After finishing writing, the examinees should check the piece of writing carefully.
5 Conclusion
Draw a conclusion, it is important for adult college students to improve writing ability to pass college English test. They must know about the frequent mistakes often occurring in their writing and try to oid them.
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