广南phrases,The Use of Vocabulary and Sentence Structure in English

更新时间:2024-03-06 点赞:20127 浏览:85588 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创

(云南省广南县坝美初级中学 云南 广南663319)

Abstract: English and Chinese belong to two different linguistic families. The English-Chinese translation is often caused by negative traner of oriental mode thinking. This paper analyzes English-Chinese translation practice and its contrast, as well as it will analyze the drawback of the use of morphology and sentence structure in the contrast of English-Chinese translation. As long as English learners can notice the differences of two different languages, they can translate English into idiomatic Chinese.
Key words: vocabulary;sentence structure;English-Chinese translation.

1. Preface

Language contrast is one of the foundations of translation theory and translation practice. It is for English and Chinese of these two languages. They he no shared features and different features. Two languages contrast in English-Chinese translation of morphology and sentence structure. Combining translation practice with the cause of translation, In order that we can help beginners to translate idiomatic Chinese.

2. Special Analysis

2.1 Vocabulary Aspect


1.1 Meanings of Words

Languages are developing with the practice of society. Words’ meanings are also developing. For example, English word is develop. The natural meaning of “develop” is “develop” (进展), “mine”(开采). Later the meaning of it points “raise” (提高),“get”(),“obtain(产生).”procedure” (),“ cause” (导致).“set put forward” (提高) and so on. After that, the meaning of it is “invent”(发明) ,“cultivate,foster,breed” (培育). This is the change that vocabulary develops. When we contrast English-Chinese translation,we should make sure that they are changed by the situation between English and Chinese. With the development of the society, English vocabulary’s meaning is divided into four types in Chinese opposite situation.

1.2 Form Changing of Vocabulary

There are no forms changing of Chinese words. The Vocabulary mainly depends on phrases and words order and internal logic relationship to express sentence’s meaning. But there are many forms changing of vocabulary in English. For example:Noun has the change in subject and predicate. Verb has the change in the person,the time tense, the mood, the tone and the predicate. Adjectives and adverbs he the change of degrees. English languages show sentences relation and logic relation of many colors and different kinds of form changes vocabulary. When English is translated into Chinese generally, it adds words to it’s changes: Vocabulary expresses forms change in English. In addition, when Chinese is translated into English, We should use kinds of forms changes of English. We express the time tense, mood of Chinese and so on.

1.3 Express Ability of Vocabulary

In English sentences,to express ability of vocabulary is serious for English noun, Proposition,adjective and adverb which are special lively. While expressing verbs,phrases and short sentences are more lively in Chinese. But nouns’ using are very frequency in English sentence. So the use of preposition is very lively,Which makes it he ability of matching and expressing. Noun and proposition of English sentences he the function of verb. On English and Chinese contrast, noun of Chinese is not as lively as verb. The number of preposition is few and its expression ability is very weak. So when we translate English into Chinese, noun can be used lively in English sentences while preposition phrases will be translated into verbs phrases and short sentence.


2.2 Sentence Structure Aspect

2.1 Logic Order of Complex Sentence

The Chinese people emphasize psychological space and time order at philosophy,which reflect on language that Chinese emphasize idea. But it is important that western people emphasize order on thought. Theirthoughts he systematize,organization,form. Naida thought:“Maybe the most difference is the contrast of form and idea for English and Chinese.” This is one of the expressions of thought differences.
(1). Front and back order of the time.
In English complex sentences, the order of expressing time phrases and clause sentences is lively. Their situation is the front or the back. Chinese must tell about the order of the time usually. We will readjust the order of the time when we translate English into Chinese.
(2). Situation of the cause,condition and relation.
Situation question of cause and condition is for the sentences. Their situation may be put in the front. The result is set to the back. The front is condition. The cause is the back. English is the same as Chinese in the relation of purpose and result. Usually the action is set to the front. Purpose is put to the back for purpose and action. Sometimes in order to emphasize purpose, the purpose may be set before action for the relation of result and reason. Sometimes the reason is front, but the result is back.

2.2 Sentence Structure

(1). The most different of English-Chinese sentence Structure is that English emphasize form meaning, but Chinese emphasize idea meaning. It is important that English sentence emphasize form meaning. It uses the change of words, link words, attributive clause, structure of independent battalion to express different kinds of grammars. The shape of the sentence is very serious. Chinese sentence emphasize idea meaning, because it has no change of words. Attribute independent battalion, link words and preposition are used fewer than English sentence. So Chinese express many kinds of grammar using hidden link ways. The out shape of the sentence is freer. So while translating,there are many words may change into verbs of Chinese. Since link words are used few in Chinese. Sometimes the link words can’t be translated. Phrases of preposition, attribute, clause and independent battalion structure may change translation into phrases and sentence in the most.

3. Conclusion

English is a course that has been widely applied in China. It’s not easy to translate English to Chinese well. The vital thing is to master the use of morphology and sentence structure. It is important for English starting learners to know translation techniques. By analyzing their use of English-Chinese translation, it can make translators improve his translation techniques. And it will make the boundless potential and creative power of translate tap a potential. So translators can translate idiomatic Chinese. In that case, the learners can accomplish their goals and can learn what they want happily.




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