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【摘要】九年制义务教育初级中学英语新教材的使用已有几年了,该教材为初中英语教学以应试教学 向素质教学的转化了切实可行的操作。它的编写系统考虑到了语言的结构,更用语言表达实 际的作用小学数学教学论文,为逐步培养学生以言语技能进展语言的交际能力奠定了,并使课堂教学中开展准交际性活 动可能。

所谓准交际性活动,即是课堂教学中所开展的不脱离所学语言内容或知识,但又具有交际的 特点的言语实践活动。它虽完全的自然交际性活动,但比一般的操练形式更易达到大纲的“使学生获 得英语知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力”之目的。
现以初中新教材册16单元第61课第3个练习为例,准交际性活动怎样得以成功。该练习 为:Ask and answer.Find the differences.
Look at these two pictures.Can you find
five differences?
(Picture 1 and Picture 2略)
要求:师生合作或生生合作,每二人为一组,全体学生看着这二幅图画。有必要教师可个别词汇 。这样,可能出现对话:
Teacher or Student 1:Where is the boy in
Picture 1/
Picture 2?
Student 2:He is on his bike in Picture 1./
He is not on his bike in Picture 2.
Teacher or Student 1:Where is the man in
Picture 1/
Picture 2?
Student 2:He is under the (red) car in Picture 1.
/He is on the (red) car in Picture 2.
Teacher or Student 1:Where is the woman in
Picture 1.
/Picture 2?
Student 2:She is in the (red) car in Picture 1.
/She is behind the car in Picture 2?
Teacher or Student 1:Where is the girl in
Picture 1/
Picture 2?
Student 2:She is under the (big) tree in Picture 1.
She is not under the tree in Picture 2.
Teacher or Student 1:Where is the cat in
Picture 1/
Picture 2?
Student 2:It is on the (black) car in Picture 1
It is under the car in Picture 2.
说,对话开展得非常好,一问一答恰到好处。但实际上,二幅图画的不同之处一目了然,学生只 要以其比较中就能立即,然后组织语言回答所的理由即能达到目的,这也性提示的纯语 言知识的操练,很难找出交际的某些特点。
要求:师生合作或生生合作,每二人为一组,合作双方各执一幅图画,观看比较,操练时合 着书本。图画用复制品或用简画复制,并在操练前不通知学生作准备。双方自由对话,即可的画面的 情景对方的理由或线索随时回答、补充或表达,反问,直到找出二幅图画的不同处为止 。教师词汇:beside(在……旁边)、before(在……前面)、with(与……在一起)。教师或学生 1执Picture 1,学生2执Picture 2。这样,可能产生对话:Teacher or Student 1:An old man is/s its on the chair.
Student 2:Yes,(and)a dog is beside him.
Teacher or Student 1:Where is the boy?Is he on the bike?
Student 2:No,he is not on the bike.He's beside the bike.
The girl is before him.
Teacher or Student 1:(No)you are wrong.He's on the bike.
The girl is under the tree
Student 2:(Then)where is the man?
Teacher or Student 1:He is under the car,the red car.
Student 2:No,he is on the red car.The woman is behind th
e red car.She's with/beside the man.
Teacher or Student 1:That's wrong.The woman is not behin
d the car.She's in the car.
Student 2:What's that under the black car?
Teacher or Student 1:Oh,it's a cat,a black cat.But it is
on the car,not under the car.
不难,双方自由对话,各对学生的制约小学语文教学论文显著少于策略教学论文一,所以,对话语言灵活,句型多变, 话语表达清楚。当然,对话有可能还会再简单些,但不管怎样,在对话的整个中,双方在对方的 反应把信息加工处理后重新传递给对方,达到了各自的目的,即也达到了信息平衡。(信息差距是交际特 征)。
所以,与前者相比较,后者的操练形式显现了交际的特点,它使得教学活动与现实更加贴近。在 课堂教学中,给学生操练,更让学生有机会用已掌握的语言知识来表达的思想。, 创造这样的机会既是英语教学的出发点,英语教学的归宿。准交际性活动正是给学生这样的机会。



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