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18. A picture ison the wall, which show us that a man wasfor murder.
A. hung; hung B. hanged; hanged
C. hung; hangedD. hanged; hung
【记忆口诀】规则的绞死(hang, hanged, hanged),不规则的悬挂(hang, hung, hung)。空是“悬挂”之意,空是“绞死”之意,故选C。句意:墙上挂着一幅画,这幅画向展示的是男子谋杀罪被绞死了。
19. The man lying therethat he hadthe money on the table.
A. lay; lainB. lied; lay
C. lied; laidD. laid; lied
【记忆口诀】规则的撒谎(lie, lied, lied),不规则的躺(lie, lay, lain),躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。[此句“放置”之意](lay, laid, laid)空是“撒谎”之意,空是“放置”之意,题意,空运用过去式,空是“过去的过去”,运用过去完成时态,故选C。句意:躺在那儿的那个男子撒谎说,他已经把钱放在桌子上。
20. All the employees except the managerto work online at home.
A. encouragesB. encourage
C. is encouragedD. are encouraged
【记忆口诀】坚持向前看的原则。归类记忆:①在内的:as well as, including, besides, in addition to; ②除外的:except, but; ③带with的:with, without, together with, along with; ④带 than的:more than, rather than, no less than; ⑤带like的:like, unlike。此题词是“except”,“坚持向前看”的原则,主语应为“all the employees”,又题意,此题运用被动语态,故选D。句意:除了经理以外,的员工都被在家里在网上工作。
21. The reason he is absent from work ishe is ill.
A. becauseB. that C. forD. because of

2. What is the reasonyour long silence?

A. ofB. to C. in D. for
23. The reasonthe delay iswe he had difficulty in obtaining materials.
A. for; thatB. for; because
C. to; thatD. to; because
【记忆口诀】reason做事很挑剔,很少和of在一起,但喜欢和for拉联系,见了because就躲避,见了that则笑嘻嘻,好像见了老知己。第21题选B, 句意:他没来上班的理由是他生病了;第 22题选D, 句意:你长久沉默的理由是? 第23题选A,句意:拖延的理由是在有困难。
24. snacks and drinks, but they also bought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.
A. Not only they broughtB. Not only did they bring
C. Not only brought theyD. Not only they did bring
【记忆口诀】倒前不倒后。由“not only... but also”的句子,倒装的理由坚持“倒前不倒后”的原则,即只倒装由“not only”的句子,故选B。句意:当在森林里野炊时,带了零食和饮料,还带了供娱乐的牌。

5. Not only he but also Ia teacher.

A. isB. are C. am D. were
【记忆口诀】就近一致原则。由“not only... but also”的句子,主谓一致的理由坚持“就近一致”的原则,所以此题主语以“I”为主,题意,运用一般现在时态,故选C。句意:他我是老师。
26. I heto tell you. Somethingwrong with your bike.
A. something important; are
B. important something; is
C. something important; is
D. important something; are
27. The captainthat the plane was going to land.
A. announce to usB. announced us to
C. announced to usD. announced us
28. Will you pleasethe third paragraph again for us?
A. explain to usB. explains
C. explain us toD. explain us
29. “I you not to tell the truth,” said the inspector.
A. suggest B. suggest to
C. suggestedD. suggesting to
30. He ishis neighbor something secret.
A. whispering toB. whisper to
C. whispereD. whispered to

1. He his friendme.

A. introduced; withB. introduced; /
C. introduce; toD. introduced; to
32. He hurried to the station, onlythe train had left.
A. finding B. foundC. to findD. find

3. His parents died,him the house.

A. to leeB. leing C. leeD. left

4. His wife went to America, never .

A. to return B. returning C. return D. returned



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